Monday, May 11, 2009

i love you ma

Regardless of the true meaning behind this mother's day celebration,
I would like to wish my mum, a very happy mother's day may Allah bless you with good health, comfort and prosperity. Most important, semoga hidup my mama diberkati and diredhai Allah sentiasa. some things, like your prayer is best expressed in Bahasa. There's something about Bahasa that gives out a more powerful meaning. Oh well, the fact that most of my posts are in English doesn't mean that I didn't like my own langauge. sy anak melayu jati. sy sayang bahasa saya tapi tidak salah bukan untuk belajar bahasa lain meskipun bahasa itu ialah bahasa penjajah?
apa guna kalau kita sibuk mempertahankan bahasa ibunda sedangkan pemikiran kita, akhlak kita telah dijajah dengan sgt hebat oleh budaya luar? pada saya, yang menuntut ilmu dalam bahasa penjajah, yang berkomunikasi dalam bahasa penjajah, sy masih tidak lupa asal usul saya. x salah gunakan bahasa penjajah. asalkan bukan pemikiran kita yang dijajah.

ok, that was really off topic. it's just that I was quite pissed off when someone commented about why do we need to learn English since English is 'bahasa penjajah'. gila kolot sape yg komen tu.
inilah masalah bangsa melayu, bila susah sikit, xnk berusaha perbaiki diri sendiri tp sibuk mnyalahkn org lain. sibuk cari alasan. knp? rugi ke blaja bahasa lain? salah ke blaja bhs lain?
itu dr segi bahasa, kalau kite d tpt org, or cubala blja budaya org (yg positif la) or bile kite baca pndapat bangsa lain n cuba sampaikn kpd org lain, org akan ckp kite ni terlalu kebaratan. terlalu agungkn western values. apekah? bagus sgt ke semua values culture kite? salah sgt ke kalau kita cuba adaptasi sedikit values mereka dlm hidup kita. bukan nye sy ajak kamu berparti, minum smpai mabuk2. sy cuma ajak kamu utk recycle, kurangkan guna plastik beg atau cuba panjat tangga jika mahu naik satu atau dua tingkat sahaja daripada asyik naik lif. hina sgtkah cadangan tu? besides helping to save the environment (go green!), anda juga dpt menyihatkn tubuh badan(maaf bahasa rojak. some emotions are better conveyed in bahasa).
itu belum lagi bab dtg ke negara org. bila dh smpai negara org, asyk mahu compare je dgn negara sndiri. bukan sy lupa daratan. bukan sy x rindu pd negara sy. sy rindu amat. tp knp kita dhantar ke negara laen? utk mmbuka mata n minda kita bukan? bak kata pepatah, jauh perjalanan, luas pengalaman. ke pemandangan? anyway, sy x kesah kalau nk compare negara2 ni. comparelah. tp jgnla asyk cari yg negatif je psl negara org. asyk mncemuh negara org shaja. hebat sgtkah negara kita? sempurna sgtkah negara kita? benar, negara kita jauh lagi maju dr negara ini, tp ade juge beberapa aspek penting yg negara kita sgt jauh ketingggalan. cth terbaik: pengangkutan awam dan keselamatan dlm negara.

skrg ni mmg dh betul2 off topic. tp it felt really good to vent out these frustrations.
I love my country. I really do. they say the grass is always greener on the other side. I must admit that the grass here is indeed very green. haha. but my heart is still there, at home, in Malaysia. I have no intention to spend the rest of my ife here, I want to go back there, where I belong. the country that I dearly loved. x kiralah betapa busuk n kotornya negara kita, x kisahla betapa busuknya pergolakan politik and korupsi d negara kita, x kisahla betapa x selamatnya lg utk mereka x kira jantina utk bergerak bebas ke sini sana tanap diragut, dirogol dan sebagainya, x kisahlah betapa huru haranya sistem pendidikan kita, tp itulah negaraku, tanah airku. benarlah kata org tua2, hujan emas d negeri org, hujan batu d negeri sendiri, lebih baik d negeri sendiri. because that's the place I called home. home is where the heart is.

p/s- I'm lost in my train of thoughts.

oops! I almost forgot

Quote of the day:
'Each nation feels superior to other nations. That breeds patriotism - and wars.'
-Dale Carnegie-

Today I am really grateful for...
having Malaysia to call my home. I am grateful to be born in a free country ad not a refugee from other country. I am blessed to feel belonged to this developing country and rich enough to sponsored my education abroad. I hope, that someday I might be able to help and make a difference, regardless how small it its, in my country. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah.

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