
for more information on the earthquake, you can go here or here
my first week of TE is well, tiring
left the house at 7, arrived home around 5
after tarawikh, immediately pengsan
but then again, we have to teach pule
so after tarawikh kne la bace2 resource and wat lesson plan
sangat penat sampai x sedar langsung ade earthquake
okla, rasenye terbangun juge around dat time (ingatkn dh time sahur) tp ble tgk jam cm awal lg so sambung tdo balik
without noticing anything
so the next day bile pegi skola, everyone was talking about the quake
and i was like whaaaaaaaattt? there's an earthquake last night? i didnt feel a thing!
and they said that the quake is pretty strong this time
utk mnyedapkn hati,
ak pn ckp dlm hati, oh,maybe area2 cni je kot yg rase
yeah rite, bile balik umah
sume housemate ku ckp diorg rase
n sume gelakkn tahap tdo mati ak yg melampau(the quake was felt strongly throughout the wellington area ok)
oh well, xpela, korg ckp cm scary pn kn
seb baek la ak dilindungi dr perasaan cemas itu (yela tu..kalu betul2 dhsyat, ko tgh atas katil ye cik sha,bukn tdo bwh meja :P)
sape ckp jd cikgu rilek je meh cni ak cungkil biji mata
penat woo
dan merbahaya rupenye (yela, ade earthquake pn x sdar. x ke bahaya tu? haha)
and then yesterday was my 1st time to teach the whole class
and during my lesson..
mmg tgh nervous abis la
sbb tibe2 baru sdar article yg difotostat tu x sempurna, diorg x bole bace coz byk gkla missing words
tgh glabah2 nk wat ape ek..
skali fire alarm pule berbunyi
cikgu tu pn dh pelik, coz ni bukn fire drill
maka bertempiaran la mereka menyelamatkn diri
"wah, saved by the bell!!"getus ak dlm hati
rase sungguh gembira
krn lesson td mcm dh ala2 disaster la kn
tp malangnye,
tiada kebakaran(isk,adeke mtk skola terbakar? isk3)
maka, pengajaran harus diteruskan!
tp in a way, bgus gkla lesson terinterrupted jap
bolela wat self-reflection jap and change my instructions jap
that's the end of week 1
will talk more on the school system, the students, attitudes and behaviour later
for now, i want to enjoy my weekend to the max!!! (duit mara dh msuk!! wheee~)
hahaha. kelakar when u said
"sape ckp jd cikgu rilek je meh cni ak cungkil biji mata"
my soket mata nampaknye already got 2 holes. hehehe.
and another thing, i like the way u end this entry,
ayuh bantu Palestin!
like so tibe2
the twe future teacher would like to pat bahu cik sha and say..
n don't pray for the skul to be barbequed! xP
farah, kamu pn ak cungkil biji mata org satu hari nnt :P
ayuh bantu palestin tu sbb...
harini ade roadshow palestin so knela dtg support, and guess what? i'm already late xD
thank u!! *big hug*
barbecued skool doesnt sound so tempting aye?
Kat sini pun ade earth quake jgk..
Sy pun tak sedar..
Katil bergegar tapi sy still tak bgn2!
Kesian kat my housemate dok kejut bgn sahur tu..
Hehehe ;p
aku sungguh xsngke ko tdo sebegitu..ko tau x perasaan aku yg t'jge demi utk merasa gegaran itu..ms tu dh mngucap sume siap dh..dh berkira2 dh dosa2 sume tahu tak..ko bleh siap xsdar..
p/s: jd ckgu sgt pnat..blk umah pn attached lg dgn keje skolah..weh aku rs cm xdelife~!!! btol ke nk jd cikgu ni weh..???
i feel the same way too (as i repeatedly mentioned in my blog)
tapi kan sha, pegi roadshow palestin tu buat kite terfikir satu benda. yg penceramah tu kan,he's a doctor, pakar lak tu, im sure he is much2 busier than us yang gi skola yg kunun2 buat bz, tapi takdela bz sgt. tak tau la amendenye yang pnat sgt. tapi die spend jugak masa and tenaga utk umat islam yang lain. kita baru sibuk sikit da liat nak buat benda2 lain, pnat la, takde masela. kite jadi takut plak, camne ble kite da btul2 keje nanti kite taknak luangkan masa utk benda2 dakwah camni? camne kalau kite lupa bahawa masa tu pun makhluk Allah jugak, and die djadikan satu ujian dari Allah utk tgk hambaNya yang mane yang btul2 beriman.
sbb tu kite rase kite tak boleh da buat2 lemah. ape je la sgt berbanding dgn org lain yang berlwan kepenatan , darah and air mata. im sooo priveleged and yet I always complain.
so mulai hari ini, marilah kite same2 kuat! sbb org Islam mesti ade jati diri yang kuat!! huk!!
p/s-selamat berbuka puasa dgn juadah2 yang enak. ingatla org2 di sini.hehehe
haha, extra note sarah tu cm kurang kene ngene sket ngan msg yg bersemangat *huk2* tu.
namun begitu, seruan sarah diterime! baik yang *huk2* juge the xtra note tu psl juadah tu. hahaha.
aten: yay!! ade geng tdo mati tp kau x kene pegi TE pn? hahaha
yuyu: ak tdo x gmbira tnpa ko yuyu.haha.ala, sume org yg keje akn rase cm xdelife. regardless of the job. kalu ko jd housewife pn ko akn rase cm xde life gk sbb keje = kua tenaga= penat= tdo awal, weekend nk melepak kt umah saje :P
sarah:betul2. mmg terase sbnanye.n bsyukurlah dpt peluang nk blaja n mengajar ni. anak2 kt palestin nk g skola pn x bole..huhu.
nnt kite buke bsame2 ye sarah?
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