Tuesday, July 1, 2014


work has been really crazy right now
I honestly do not have the strength to continue my studies while working at the same time.
I just want to quit.


Anonymous said...

nooooo. dont quit. always remember. that He never test us for what we cant face. huhu. HUgs babe.

Faraha Hamidi said...

don't quiittttt! hang in there Sha.. I know you might have done this already but maybe u can start with having a timetable, allocate some hours for working on your paper and some for work. I know it might sound easy for me to say la kan but quitting will not solve your problem. maybe boleh mintak kurangkan kredit hours ke?? if you want to talk just let me know :)

Sha said...

awwww thanks shanis n farah!
didn't expect anyone to read this blog
well.it's almost the end of semester already
i just have to suck it up!