whether you want to believe it or not, it's up to you
http://vigilantcitizen.com/i have now deleted lady gaga,rihanna, beyonce and jay-z from my playlist.
they're not really my cup of tea anyway.
i am not taking any chances.
it's time to go back to basic,
the Holy Quran and sunnahs.
somehow kite dh agak dah si lady gaga ni illuminati.
ok.tolak la illuminati ni ape sume, lagu2 die je mmg sgt vulgar. memule kite suke gak tau lagu bad romance (susah utk kite minat kat lagu2 si gaga ni), tp bile kite phm maksud die kate "vertical stick" tu, kite jd sgt x suke. and suddenly lagu2 die yg lain sume sounds vulgar. ape lagi vid. mmg full of shock value.
lepas tu nk jdikan cerite, die ni katenye 4flat kan? blaja kat uni dlu. mcm pandai la.
so what?
macam nak bg idea "kalo btullah die ni propaganda, die ni budak smart and xkanla die xleh pk".
see how "they" play with our mind? ni la mind control nye.
sudah2la sape minat si gaga ni. i'm not talking out of religious concern ke ape, tp tgk sajelah lagu n imej die bwk.
pakai baju mandi bejalan2. really weird.
i m going to delete her songs and others yg related wpun susah. hehe. (madonna dh lame dilit)
u're right. better go back to basic. insylh. thanks for the link. =)
kite dh lama x tgk mtv whatnot ni so i wasnt aware of her videos.
video die org promote her extragant fashion je tp the hidden symbols tu byk gels rupenye.
land agu die mmg catchy semacam pun kn
it's like a mantra that you cant help but to repeat over n over again
im really glad to share the link with the people i love and care ^_^
delete farah delete!
dgr maher zain je lepas ni ;P
wah. wonder how i never saw all those things...
she has a few songs i wouldn't mind listening to, but i mostly like those for the beats raher than the lyrics. and definitely not the vids. i'm not really into her/that kind of music. she's kinda overrated. :T
bagus jgak ade org analyse what's hidden and what's not ni..at least kte tau ape main objective derg..yg elok kte ikot, yg tak elok, kte tinggalkan..
as for the objects/symbols..they meant to say something, tp, they don't have the power to change anything..
it's like believing holy water ada kuasa utk memurtadkan org..it's just water sbnrny, tak boleh buat ape2 pun..dan tiada yg lebih berkuasa melainkan The Almighty Creator..so kalo percaya holy water ade kuasa memurtadkan org, berdosa la kita..
the same concept can be applied here..if we choose to be conformist, akan terjadi lah ia..kalo tak, i'Allah nothing could change..sumenya depends on our faith..
but anyway, why choose to gamble kn..?lebih baik sediakan payung sblm hujan drp basah tgh2 jalan..and alang2, sediakan laluan berbumbung sepanjang jln..bukan setakat sediakan 1 payung.. :) byk sbnrnya hidden msgs yg dh di plan ahead of us, bukan lagu2 derg ni je..
may we stand tall for our faith..amin..
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