Friday, October 30, 2009

so long. farewell. goodbye.

today's my last day at the workplace
i have to stop working to prepare myself for the exam (yeah rite) n then go back to Malaysia after two loooongggg years.
back home, where the heart (aka my lil sis) is.
i'm so relieved that i dont have to work anymore.
so now i have more time for myself.
but i'm also extremely sad to leave the kids behind.
yeah, they're a bunch of noisy, naughty, silly little monsters
but that's what makes
no matter how rude or how troublesome they are,
when they hugged you at the end of the day..
that's all that matters.
when they waved at you in the middle of the street or when they stopped by to hug you and smile at you,
you feel..
loved (ok. maybe not)
but yeah,
it's fulfilling.
the job doesnt pay much
and travelling to and from the workplace consumed A LOT of time
and money (for the busfare)
but I would definitely say that among the jobs that I've done (there's 7 of them in total).
this is by far, the best job I've ever had.
and i'm sure gonna miss them a lot.

but not as much as i miss this girl:

my lil sis is no longer lil.booooo

here's something that I wish to share from my experience
for future reference (in case you're gonnna be a parent in the future):
-always pick up your kids early from school. they dont like to be the last one to leave. it's ok to be late every once in a while.not everyday.
-listen to the kids. they have the right to be heard. sometimes, you learn more from the kids than you did from anyone else.
-support them to think and be independent. don't spoon fed them. how do you know that they won't be able to do something if you don't let them try and learn by themselves? you'll be surprised how creative these kids are. even the small ones!
-everyone is different. and different approach is needed for different kids. if your firstborn can read by the age of 3 but the second one doesnt, that doesnt mean that the latter is stupid, you just need a different approach to help he/she to learn.
-be patient. extremely patient.
-always answer their questions. dont just blew them off. even simple questions like "what is she doing outside?". don't say"it's none of your business"(even if it is none of their business). when they asked questions, that means that they want to learn. kids are curious little creatures, give them the necessary information. encourage them to ask more questions , more inquisitive.
-play with them. no matter how busy you are. spend some time with them. they need attention as much as you do. they also have feelings, just like you.

simple stuff.
stuff that you already knew
but believe me, those things are hard to do.

i hope i'm able to work there again next year :)

p/s-goodbye cohort 4. will miss you guys!


shsysh said...

kayya is such a cutie ;)

Sha said...

i was cuter.
note: was