Friday, November 28, 2014


How do you project your self in front of others?
Does it reflects your true self?

After all, being a teacher requires you to put on so many hats;
to be different person depending on the situation.

Yesterday, we threw a farewell party to one of the lecturers in my department.
She was thoughtful enough to mention everyone in her speech and took her time to describe each one of them.
We barely knew each other since she was away most of the time. So I was surprised she even had anything to say to me.
She started of by saying that she has always admired me.
For always being cool and calm.
There's something in the way I carry myself, the way I speak.
And how professional I look all the time.

Cool and calm??
Are you freaking kidding me?
You really didn't know me huh.

Cool and calm are those two words that I will never use to describe myself.
Never, ever.
Emotional? Hot-tempered? Impatient?
Yup, those are all me.
But cool and calm?
Baby, you got the wrong number.

So when she said that to me, I was thinking of how my friends especially the Tengkujuhs would react to that statement.
They'll probably gonna have a heart attack.
Or die by laughing hysterically.

Surprisingly, two of my roommates who were also there during the speech agreed to it.
They share the same room with me for goodness sake.

They said that yes I do rant and have panic attacks etc but I did that in a cool and calm way.
What is wrong with you people?

But I guess there's some truth in it
I personally do not care over what's going on in the workplace
I refrained myself from gossips
Heck, I refrained myself from even talk to other people
I am pretty much comfortable to be confined in a small space with my 6 other roommates
The less interaction I made with people, the less things that they have to say about me right?
I do not care over administration issues or whatever crap they're complaining about
I do not care to respond to any Whatsapp/Telegram groups that I have been magically added to

What I do care is doing my job requirement: I never cancel  class unnecessarily and I always conduct assessments on time.

I guess my couldn't care less attitude about the ins and outs of that place is what makes me 'cool' and 'calm' and 'professional'.
If only they knew...

1 comment:

mizzshaina said...

They sure dont know u well hahahhahahah
Tp ok what org knal awk as calm dari org cop awk kaki mengumpat ke kaki curi tulang ke kan
anyway calm or kelam kabut, i still love u sha hehe
miss youuu