Saturday, March 24, 2012

if something happens to you, what happens to me?

this is a test
a test of faith.

when you've been put through a really difficult situation,
you realized how strong your faith really is.
i thought i was much stronger than this.

it is such a simple, simple concept
but so hard to master.
so, so hard.

i know i should accept this
but i'm so angry
is it wrong for me to be angry?
even just for a little while?
without this anger i might just break..


Faraha Hamidi said...

Sha, I have no idea what you are going through but I have been asking the same question. this is my situation and what you write in your last para is something that I can really relate to.

kadang2 darah muda ni unpredictable, bila my mom ask me to do something that I don't like, or when she say something that I don't agree with,rasa geram/marah tu trus menyelinap dlm jiwa (lol). then I would feel really guilty sbb ada perasaan marah tu because as a Muslim, we are taught not to even say "uf" pun dkt our parents kan? so I've been asking myself, kalau rasa marah tu, dosa x? adakah lagi berdosa sbb kita biarkan diri rasa perasaan marah tu? apa patut buat with this rasa marah? kita pun rasa boleh break kalau x dapat nk feeling marah tu. anyway, it would have been easier for me to vent out my anger vocally at her; easier and faster sikit kesannya, but of course I will never ever do that. last sekali i resorted to tulis dalam this small note book that works both as my notebook and diary. bila dh tulis and manage to look at the situation in retrospective, trus rasa reda and silly for being immature. not worth all the anger pun. i tore the pages into pieces and buang.

benda2 macam ni yang mematangkan kita sbnrnya. quoting Benjamin Disraeli, circumstances are beyond human control,but our conduct is in our own power. cheers. =)

Sha said...

thank you for your comment!!
you have no idea how helpful it has been to me at that time but I could not find the strength to reply to you.

thank you!!!!