Monday, April 26, 2010

half of my heart won't do

i love john mayer's songs despite the douche that he is.
and he's gonna perform in wellington tomorrow.
and i am not gonna be there to see him in person.
and i am extremely disappointed.
why didnt i get the tix?
money is not the main issue. i dont mind forking out money to watch him(punyela die hard fan sampai begitu skali)
it's a once in a lifetime opportunity kot.
friends to bring along...?
i do know some close friends who just need a little push to come with me.
but i didnt push them that hard.

you know why?
because i feel guilty.
and what i've learned from joining usrah is:
jika ada getaran jiwa or jika ada rasa terdetik di hati tu bila nk buat sesuatu tu, maknanya something wrongla.benda tu salah or lebih jelas lg, x diredhai Allah.
or something like that.
Ok i x reti nk explain further. sbb tu x layak jd kakak usrah. kak sarah,tlg explain.haha

the guilt is preventing me from goin there.
truth to be told, that was the first time i ever had the desire to buy a concert ticket.
it's gonna be my first concert ever.
before this pernahla tgk KRU punye roadshow, Kaer AF2 la pela ..haha
lame??i know
i was 16 at that time.go figure.
tapi nk tgk kaer punye pasal, sampai terlepas solat asar, sedar2 dh magrib
tu belum lg part berebut2 nk salam kaer la,vince la, tp time reshmonu hulur tangan tahu pule x baik salam bukan muhrim..isk3.dhla jahil,racist pule tu.haih.
see, that's exactly why going to a concert is not such a good idea.
you eventually, will forget God along the way.
melalaikan katanye.

and that brings us to what I've learned during usrah last week;
Hadis 6: Halal dan Haram

“Dari Abu Abdullah An-Nu’man bin Basyir r.a. katanya : saya telah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda : ‘ Sesungguhnya yang halal itu jelas dan yang haram itu jekas , dan di antara keduanya pula terdapat perkara-perkara yang syubahat ( tidak terang halal atau haramnya ) yang diragui dan tiada diketahui oleh orang ramai. Orang yang memelihara dirinya dari perkara-perkara yang syubahat itu adalah seperti orang yang melindungi agama dan kehormatan dirinya. Orang yang tergelincir ke dalam perkara syubahat itu akan tergelincir masuk ke dalam perkara haram. Laksana seorang pengembala di pinggir sebuah tempat larangan. Hampir sangat ia menternak ke dalamnya (tempat larangan itu). Ketahuilah, bagi setiap raja ada tempat larangan, dan tempat larangan Allah itu adalah perkara-perkara yang diharamkanNya. Dan ketahuilah pada setiap jasad itu seketul daging. Andainya ia baik, baiklah seluruh jasad itu dan sekiranya ia rosak maka rosaklah seluruh jasad itu. Itulah hati" -riwayat Bukhari & Muslim-

apa yang jelas halal?
ayam kat halal butcher?minum susu?
menutup aurat?bekerja sebagai seorang guru?solat 5 waktu?etc

apa pula yang haram?
minum arak. berzina. rasuah. jadi bartender. bersentuhan bukan muhrim dan sebagainya.

Perkara halal dan haram yang sudah jelas termaktub dalam Al Qur’an dan Sunnah tidak boleh dipertikaikan lagi. Sami’na wa ato’na…

Halal dan haram itu merangkumi aspek makan minum, pakaian,pekerjaan, muamalah dan segala aspek kehidupan.

and..what about going to concerts?

apa yg lagi dekat?

tho xdela wujud ayat Quran yg ckp diharamkan pergi ke concert abg John Mayer,

kite bole figure out sendiri kan?

apa yg ada time concert?


bercampur gaul berlainan jantina.duh

maka,haruslah dielakkan daripada melakukan perkara2 syubhah yg akan mendekatkn diri dgn perkara2 yg haram.

i do hope that i wont regret my decision of not seeing abang mayer live in person.

the euphoric sensation wont last long, God's blessing is eternal.

yes,indeed i am trying to console myself.

i am no goody two shoes.

i am still extremely jealous of those who gonna meet him tomorrow.

am not gonna lie here.

to quote from abg mayer himself (from one of my fav song,Half of My Heart)

half of my heart got a grip on the situation

half of my heart takes time

forgive me for writing this post in this utter rubbish rojak.

the mind is in chaos lately.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

human growth and potential

The potato story:

"Potatoes which are kept in the cellar are in an unfavourable environment compared to those planted outside, yet still developed shoots and grew stems (however distorted) in an attempt to reach light"(Rogers,1980)

despite unfavourable conditions, organisms will still continue to grow in whatever way they can to fulfil their potential.

the environment is not equal for all.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

when insecurity kicks in

and you feel the sudden urge to behave like a 15 year old high school girl.
you know, when all those i dont't care, girls rule boys drool, i'm cool ur not etc glittery graphics are everywhere on your friendster page
and it's ok to have them on your page.

can i go back there just once?
just this once?

perfectly imperfect
i love that.

growing up is never easy.
contemplating the future is stressful indeed.
forcing yourself to be "rational" and "mature" all the time is tiring.

i say,let the inner child do the talking once in a while.

i want my mummy to tell me that everything's gonna be ok.

what a scary world we're living in

whether you want to believe it or not, it's up to you

i have now deleted lady gaga,rihanna, beyonce and jay-z from my playlist.
they're not really my cup of tea anyway.

i am not taking any chances.

it's time to go back to basic,
the Holy Quran and sunnahs.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


is inevitable.

no one can avoid death
there's no such thing as to 'cheat death'
it's just how the life cycle goes.

i dont know why,
but lately, the idea of death has been bugging me

i am a muslim.
i do believe in the life of hereafter.
i do believe in the Day of Judgement.
i do believe that our sins/rewards are gonna be measured.
i do believe in the existence of heaven and hell.

i am scared,
death comes sometimes without warning,
when you least expected it.

are you ready for it?
are we ever gonna be ready to face death?

now, while i still get the chance,
i would like to apologize to everyone
for everything i've done.
i am no saint.
just a sometimes-misguided,obnoxious,hardheaded, short-tempered little woman.