Sunday, March 15, 2015

Circle of life

My grandmother has been sick for a few weeks now
Since she's pretty much bed- ridden now,
I was asked to purchase a few things for her which made me realized that life is indeed a cycle, and in the end you will end up like how you were when you were a baby

Purchasing a wheelchair is just like purchasing a stroller/pram
You have to consider if the wheelchair is easy to fold, not that heavy/bulky, formidable, sturdy anddddd doesnt consume a lot of space in your boot, just like an ideal stroller right?

2. Diapers
Since you can't move as much and you can't seem to control your bladder anymore, the best option is to wear diapers
Now your children and grandchildren are responsible to change you, clean you..
Which is very humbling I must say..

3. Feeding
There was a time where my grandmother couldnt swallow anything solid
So my mom basically had to blend everything, just like what she used to feed us when we were little
Not only that, my grandma couldnt even feed herself, so we had to spoonfeed her
Just like a baby..

4. Tantrum
Maybe because she's sick and uncomfortable, so the grandmother is cranky and throws tantrum most of the time
So we have to be patient and let her be

5. Inablity to form a complete sentence
My grandmother is forgetful and well, she's old. So she thinks she has formed a complete sentence when she only uttered a few words
So it is up to us to guess what she meant but when the maid couldnt understand her, there goes no 4. Hehee

All in all, the circle of life is real
We must always remember that we won't always be who we are all the time
So do take care of yourself
If possible, you don't want to trouble other people in the future
Things will be especially hard when you're overweight
So take this as a motivation to keep your body fit and slim hahaha
And do as much as ibadah as you can when you are young and able to do so
After all, ibadah org muda lebih bernilai dari yang tua

This is also a reminder for us that we are responsible to look after our parents
They have been taking good care of us
When the time comes for us to take care of them, be patient
God is giving us an opportunity to serve them, to gain pahala
Taking care of old people is very very very challenging
But your parents are your own responsibilty
If you love them, take care of them
That's the least you could do

1 comment:

Z said...

such a poignant post. thanks for the reminder sha.

*hugs* hope your family is well and good. love you.